Thursday, December 27, 2018
In the afternoon I went with my mom to UPS to return mail. Then I went to the library and got 8 books. Then I went to Pet Food Express to buy food for my dog. It was really hot.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
Christmas! I didn't get anything though.
I don't think I had breakfast. For lunch I had i forgot. For dinner I went to a place called Pacific Pearl.
Today was chill.
I don't think I had breakfast. For lunch I had i forgot. For dinner I went to a place called Pacific Pearl.
Today was chill.
Monday, December 24, 2018
12/24/2018 Monday
For breakfast I think I had a banana or something. My morning was uneventful. At lunch my family and I ate at a place called Mongolian Hot Pot. In the afternoon I didn't really do anything. I had salmon for dinner, and then I read webtoons. Yep, today was pretty boring and unproductive. Merry Christmas Eve!
Sunday, December 23, 2018
11/23/2018 Sunday
Today I slept in again. I didn't really eat anything for breakfast. In the morning I did a piano theory practice test and read books for a bit. For lunch I had Sweet Tomatoes. After that, I walked my dog. Then, I finished the 2019 game, studied Spanish for a bit, and then practiced for the spelling bee. My dad bought me ice cream from Costco that tasted super goodddd. I also ate a bunch of pistachios while watching the Warriors vs Clippers game. At the end, Curry made a shot that won the Warriors the game. At dinner I had pork chops and rice. I finished reading Love and Gelato. There was a huge plot twist at the end that I really liked. Then, I don't remember what I did. After while, I started stacking dominoes. Today was a pretty boring day.
Saturday, December 22, 2018
12/22/2018 Saturday
Today I FINALLY got to sleep in. My breakfast was cinnamon biscuits and grapes. For the entire morning I did the 2019 game and read books. At lunch my brother got home from the airport. He had bought a Nintendo switch and had Smash Ultimate on it, so I played it for a while. My lunch was noodles and cucumber. I played smash most of the afternoon, and then walked my dog. I had dumplings for dinner. I practiced piano for about 5 minutes, but my brother and his friends came to my house so I had to go upstairs. I continued reading Love and Gelato, and I absolutely hate the main character. The book is really boring so I've decided to post on my blog.
Friday, December 21, 2018
12/21/2018 Friday
Today I woke up super excited because it was the last day of school. I went to school with only a small bag with my water bottle. It was really cold so I stayed in Mrs. Singh's classroom for a while, where she had her daughter with her. Then I had to go to O'dea and I saw Wizwiz soaking wet. In science we each got our copy of Fish in a Tree and labels. I really didn't want to make a label because it would make my book look ugly, but we had to so I had no choice. Mr. O'dea talked about dyslexia for a while using a slideshow. Then we played a kahoot about Fish in a Tree. And I got second. Second. FRICKIN SECOND. SECOND IS THE WORST YOU CAN POSSIBLY GET IN A KAHOOT. Ys got first place and she got this massive bag of chocolate that Tavleen had given Mr. O'dea. Sigh, I was pretty salty. Then we went to a rally. I had to sit on the floor, and it was super crowded. The sports people talked a bunch, and then Nathan Hu and Hannah gave their farewell speeches to Mr. Knaggs, who was retiring. They did a bunch of weird stuff like a rock paper scissors contest and a toilet paper wrapping contest. The cheerleaders did ok, but they messed up at the end. By the end of the rally I felt like my legs had dyslexia. After going back to first period, we were supposed to read the first few chapters of fish in a tree but I ended up reading the first 20 chapters because I had already started reading it before. Then Mr. O'dea showed some cool science videos like slomo guys, mythbusters, Look Around You, etc. Then we went to the mp to see a play. First there was a little play about three sheep and a troll that made absolutely no sense and had a terrible moral. From what I got, the moral of the story is that size matters. Basically three sheep that for some reason all have the same name try to cross a bridge separately to eat grass. This troll blocks their way but just lets them pass by (what the heck). The big goat just scares the troll away, while the other goats had to be sneaky. So...either I got the story wrong, they did a terrible job of conveying the story, or the story just doesn't make sense. Then the main play was based off of a book called "Mixed." It's about a world with three types of people; the reds, the blues, and the yellows. The blues are cool, reds are loud, and yellows are bright. They live in harmony until one day the reds decide to just start...screaming I guess. So the other two colors got triggered and they split up the city. One day a blue ball goes into yellow territory and a blue, Kaitlyn, and a yellow, Anthony, instantly fall in love (weird). They have a huge child that is green, Garrison, and they all start...mixing. So everybody becomes more colorful and renovate the city. I actually liked the story, and I think kids wouldn't have been as knit picky as me.Once we went back, we got candy canes and I was hecka bored so I asked Mr. O'dea if I could go to Mrs. Singh's classroom, and then suddenly like ten people tagged along. So, Mr. Odea called Mrs. Singh and Mrs Singh said she would only accept three people at a time. So, I went to Mrs Singh's room and fooled around a bit before going back to O'dea where he was electrocuting people with a tesla thingie. Now there were like five minutes until school was over, and Zack (I think that's his name) asked Mr. O'dea why there was a pen stuck in the periodic table poster on the wall. He explained that a few years ago, people were checking our school to see if it was Blue Ribbon worthy, and Mr. O'dea caught some kids cheating. He gave a huge lecture, and during that lecture a bad kid was dozing off and clicking his pen loudly, so Mr. O'dea grabbed the pen and threw it into the wall. He decided to leave it there because it looked cool I guess. Then....THE BELL RANG AND HEAVEN DESCENDED UPON EARTH. People who didn't even know each other were hugging and jumping around. After going home I ate lunch, which was leftover food from yesterday. I played with my dog for a while, then I went upstairs and watched youtube. Then I read Fish in Tree and ended up finishing it on accident. Then I heard basketball noises outside and I saw Wizwiz, Shuatt, Lutang, and Timmy playing basketball. Obviously, I chose to be a lazy bum and stay indoors. By then it was almost 3:00, so I had to go to a math class. I spend like 30 minutes on one problem because the problem was about rotating around the x-axis. I thought rotating around the x-axis meant reflecting it across the x-axis, but apparently you're supposed to make a 3d shape. Then for dinner I got food from Snowflake. After going home I had free time and I don't even remember what I did. Then I had to go to kungfu again and the teacher was like "Oh, it's the day before winter break, so you guys can just chill" so we just chilled. After going home I went on Instagram and grinded through a bunch of instastories. Finally, I went upstairs to update my blog. Winter break has begun!
Thursday, December 20, 2018
12/20/2018 Thursday
Today I had toast for breakfast. In science I had the test, which was easy because it was open note. In orchestra I worked on the 2019 game and I got a bunch of numbers. In Spanish I turned in my alebrije and did most of the extra credit. In p.e., people who brought cans didn't have to run, but I brought my cans to science so I still had to run. I got 8:16. At lunch I had dumplings. In language arts I finished my Spanish extra credit. In math I got a few more numbers, leaving me with only three numbers left. In history I started doing box and funnel work for the 2019 game. After the last bell, I got ice cream and cake. Then I went home and had some free time so I looked over the spelling bee words and reviewed some math and Spanish. Then I practiced piano and at dinner. My dinner was tuna and vegetables with rice. Then I went to class with Mrs. Susanna. Then I went home and typed this. One day left until winter break!
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
12/19/2018 Wednsday
Today I had purple buns for breakfast. It was ugly sweater day, so I wore my dinosaur sweater. Then, I thought I was going to be late so I rushed to school, but then I realized I was too early. I wanted to study for history, but I didn't have the textbook, so I just studied for the spelling bee instead. In science we corrected the hyperdoc the entire time and I was SUPER bored. In orchestra we each had to do two scales, and Mr. Perazzo decided to have the order be backwards, so I was one of the first people to go. I did C major and E flat major. Right as I was finishing Mr. Perazzo jumped up and said "Where's my holiday spirit" and went into his office to put on his Christmas jacket. For the rest of th period I studied for the spelling bee and worked on my alebrije. As I was walking towards Spanish, I studied for history. Then in Spanish, I finished coloring my alebrije and showed Mrs. Singh my final draft. She pointed out a bunch of grammar errors. In p.e. we didn't run the mile, so I was once again goalie the entire time. I was freezing to death, so I put on Handson's jacket. At lunch I had mini tacos. In language arts we took our history final. There were 42 multiple questions, and it was very easy. After I finished, I checked out a book called Love and Gelato. In math, Mr. Lomas told us to take out a sheet of binder paper and number it, which stressed me out because I thought we were going to have a pop quiz. Instead, we played the 2019 game. I only got about 20 numbers because I talked to my table the entire time and taught them the language I had invented. In history, we watched the Pixar movie for A Christmas Carol. I worked on the 2019 game in history, and got about 40 more numbers. I had no homework, so I was very happy. I went home and played with my dog for a while. Then, I did my piano theory homework. I had a dinner of chicken and cucumber with rice. Then, since I had extra time, I went to kungfu. It was pretty boring because the teacher just talked to parents the entire time. At the end, we had to do 100 situps, which killed me. Then I went home and found out I had been invited to a bunch of chats. I talked on those chats for a while, then went to Blogspot to type this up. One day left until winter break!
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
12/18/2018 Tuesday
I don’t really remember how I woke up, but I had a kiwi and cereal for breakfast. In science we corrected our notes and the vice principal stared at me the entire time. Then, we had to do a lab with lights, but ours was broken so we had to steal answers from another lab station. In orchestra we had to do a scale test. I did F major and I only went one octave because the second octave is hard. I also found out that Ms. Michel sent us the spelling bee final words, which were a lot easier than last year’s. In Spanish we were supposed to work on the alebrije, but everyone was just fooling around and I made this blog. I went to Mrs. Brazil for flex because she was doing a review for the history final. We just played two kahoots. In P.E. we played hockey and I was goalie the entire time (not that I mind). I bought lunch today. I bought the classic gummy orange chicken along with bland, raw, rice. I also had a banana strawberry smoothie and this pineapple thing. Then my friends started throwing food, and the girls table got super mad. They came over to me and told me to control my table as if it was all my fault. Then in language arts we turned in out quilts and had a quiz on A Christmas Carol. I was the first one finished, and I put it on the side of my desk and I started studying for history. Then, near the end of the period, I realized I was the only one who hadn’t turned in my test yet, so I had to walk up and hand it to her, which was super embarrassing. Then in math we did something with proportions (I don’t really remember). In history, we played kahoot again. Richie and I used the same chromebook and we decided to name ourselves “White Wang” because Richard’s last name, “Bai”, means white in mandarin. We did really bad on that game because we kept laughing. Then on the second kahoot we called ourselves “AllenIsHot” for old times sake. It turns out the kahoot was the one I already played at flex, so I had a lot of the answers memorized. Despite this, we still did really bad. Then, after the bell rang, I had a staring contest with Jeff and he just kept his eyes closed because apparently he was “staring at his eyelids.” Then I went home and ate an almond joy. After that, I went to swimming, and it was the last session of the semester. Near the end we played a game called “Rat, Rabbit, Raccoon.” Basically, the coach calls out words and if he says “Rat,” you have to pencil dive, if he says “rabbit” you have to cannonball, and if he says “Raccoon,” you don’t do anything. The last person in the pool each round loses. I was really bad at it. Then my coach got me dippin’ dots because i had collected four stars. She gives us stars each week if we do our homework, which is usually just writing about what we did in the previous class. Then I went to a writing class. It was also the last class of he semester, so there was a bunch of food. Everyone started acting like wild animals and grabbed handfuls of chips, candy, and cookies. Our homework was to get into groups and write an epilogue for a book we read, and it turned out the epilogue needed to talk about every character, so she gave us a few minutes to finish. Then, she secretly went on our document and started presenting even though we weren’t finished. She actually thought it was really good and said we were really good at writing “on the fly.” The teacher had to leave early, so we got to fool around for a bit. We watched our Reel Math Challenge video from last year, made fun of people on instagram, and doodled on the whiteboard. Then my mom took me to Chipotle for takeout since I was starving. Then we went home and I discovered my dog had somehow managed to get a piece of lint stuck on his eye. So, I had to take a napkin and wipe it off. Then, I ate my dinner and went upstairs to and write this. Now I have to start doing homework and studying for the history final. Wish me luck!
Today I woke up to my mom putting the alarm near my face. Then, she showed me a picture she made by putting a Christmas hat on Benben. I had a breakfast of toast, eggs in a weird soup, and leftover pineapple. I went to school and had to tell Richard that his violin was in the office. In first period science we corrected the quiz (which I somehow aced), then we corrected other stuff and worked on the hyperdoc. In orchestra we finished the Grinch while I worked on my quilt. In spanish we had a grammar test on ser and estar. A lot of people said it was hard but I think it was alright. In p.e. we had free choice, and this Indian girl tried to 1vs1 me in basketball. She completely wrecked me. For lunch I had leftover food that tasted really bad. I also had a bag of chips I brought from home. In language arts we finished A Christmas Carol. In math we did proportions on a line and stuff. Then in history we corrected our paper and did a worksheet. When I went home I ate a bunch of chocolate like Almond Joy, MnMs, circus animals, kitkats, hersheys kisses, etc. Then I fooled around on hangouts and watched youtube. Then I was hungry (because I only ate half of my lunch). So, I made toast with peanut butter and hot sauce. It actually tasted really good. Then I did my homework. For dinner I hate meatballs with rice. Then I ate half an apple and went upstairs. But, I had to go to piano class. My piano teacher got triggered at me, which made my mom triggered at me. Then on the way home I posted the picture of Benben on instagram. Then I went home and typed this up.
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Podcast with Heejee, ft. Morris
Tony: Hello everyone! I know i have no viewers but uwu. today i am joined by some very special guests. introduce yourselves. Heejee: [la...
Tony: Hello everyone! I know i have no viewers but uwu. today i am joined by some very special guests. introduce yourselves. Heejee: [la...
For breakfast I think I had a banana or something. My morning was uneventful. At lunch my family and I ate at a place called Mongolian Hot P...
5/20/2019 In odea we had dare. there were three teams' we were the pineapple express. We had a dumb spokesperson so we didn't win. ...