Thursday, January 31, 2019
1/30/2019 Wednsday
Today I woke up before my alarm. For breakfast I ate an egg. At school people were running around. In Odea we continued our slideshow. I got called into the office and got a free rice krispie for participating in the Spelling Bee. In orchestra a bunch of people turned in their forms, which I though we werent allowed to turn in until friday. we played a new piece called Baltic Dance. In Spanish we switched seats. I worked on Science for most of the class. In PE we ran the mile. I got 7:40. At lunch I ate noodles and bought ice cream. In language arts almost the entire class aced the quiz about theme. Then we got a worksheet about the progressive tense. In math we did the law of cosines. In history we did more stuff on amendments 11-27.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
1/29/2019 Tuesday
In Odea we continued our Mars project. In orchestra we played ancient flower. In Spanish I was the first one to present. Then we did culture stuff. For flex I went to lomas and took the number sense thing. In PE we played ultimate frisbee again. At lunch I ate bread. In language arts we did a notebook organization. In math we did another worksheet. In history we did amendments 11-27. After school I went to swimming. Today was normal.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
1/28/2019 Monday
Today in Odea we started working on our Mars project. In orchestra we got a new piece called aNcIeNt fLoWeR. In spanish we did eres tu maria and a few people presented. In PE we played ultimate frisbee. I bought lunch today. In language arts we did stuff on theme. In math we did a worksheet. In history we did more Bill of Rights stuff. My piano teacher didn't get triggered at me (what an accomplishment). Today was acceptable.
Monday, January 28, 2019
1/27/2019 Sunday
In the morning I went to CACC. At lunch I ate spicy stuff. FOr dinner I ate leftover stuff. Today was alright.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
1/27/2019 Saturday
In the morning I went to the outlet with my mom to buy a bag for my aunt. At lunch we ate rice. In the afternoon I got a haircut and did my school homework. For dinner I ate dumplings and noodles. Today was great.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
1/26/2019 Friday
In Odea we took our test. In orchestra we listened to the pieces. In Spanish we did Eres TU Maria. In PE we played another frisbee game. At lunch I ate In N Out. In language arts I finished reading The Thief Lord. In math we took a practice quiz. In history we did a socratic seminar. Today was pretty nice.
Friday, January 25, 2019
1/24/2019 Thursday
Today is Odea we corrected the hyperdoc. In strings we played stuff as usual. In Spanish we finished writing our essays and worked on our oral presentations. In PE I went into Machone and we played a game where we had to throw a frisbee until we reachedd the other side. At lunch I ate noodles. In language arts we peer edited each other's Christmas Carol essays. In Lomas we did more math things. In history we did even more stuff on rights. We also got extra homework. Basically, kids were being "disrepectful" to the substitute, so we each had to write what kind of punishment the disrespectful kids should get. At night I went to the meeting at Amador. TOday was pretty nice.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
1/23/2019 Wednsday
THis morning I got to sleep in yay. My brother had to go to the airport to fly to New York. In Odea we did a warm up with moon phases. Then we corrected our notes. After that, we did a gizmo. In orchestra it was SUPER boring because we just played one piece the entire time. In Spanish I revised my essay and rewrote it so that it looked cleaner. In PE I got switched to Machone and I got an eight minute mile time. At lunch I had dumplings and I ate a popsicle. In language arts we had a substitute and we did a worksheet. In math we did special right triangles. In history we were supposed to work on a chart but I fooled around with ******* (I dont wanna use names). After school I did my homework. Then I played piano and did some CHinese homework. TOday was tiring.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
1/22/2019 Tuesday
Ughhhhhhhh ok so in first period we did focus questions then corrected our quizes and worked on the hyperdoc. In orchestra Mr Perazzo got triggered at me because I had my chromebook out. In Spanish we had to write an essay. For flex I stayed in Spanish but my essay was already done so I had nothing to do. In PE we played Invasion Football except with soccer balls. At lunch I ate fried rice. In language arts we wrote our conclusions for A Christmas Carol. In math we did sin and cosine. In history we did a worksheet about the Bill of Rights. After school I went to swimming. Today was oof.
Monday, January 21, 2019
1/21/2019 Monday
Happy birthday Martin Luther King. You're awesome.
Okay so I had another weird dream. In my dream I had this plastic scythe that I carried around to protect myself from bird poop or something.
In the morning I went with my mom and brother to the outlet to look at some backpacks for my aunt in China. Then my brother and I went to a bread store while my mom when to Big Slip (Ranch 99). Then we went to the UPS and tried to mail stuff. At lunch we ate sushi. In the afternoon I did some math and science. For dinner I ate rice. Then I went to piano class where the teacher grilled me again. Today was meh.
Okay so I had another weird dream. In my dream I had this plastic scythe that I carried around to protect myself from bird poop or something.
In the morning I went with my mom and brother to the outlet to look at some backpacks for my aunt in China. Then my brother and I went to a bread store while my mom when to Big Slip (Ranch 99). Then we went to the UPS and tried to mail stuff. At lunch we ate sushi. In the afternoon I did some math and science. For dinner I ate rice. Then I went to piano class where the teacher grilled me again. Today was meh.
Sunday, January 20, 2019
1/20/2019 Sunday
In the morning I had to go to CACC. In Chinese class we read about this mountain in China. I was super bored. At the end of class we got chocolate. In java the teacher talked a bunch about interfaces and stuff. In debate we continued working on our original speeches. At lunch I ate noodles. After lunch I played Smash Ultimate for a few minutes. I was pretty unproductive in the afternoon. After eating dinner, which was duck, I fooled around with my brother. Today was boring.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
1/19/2019 Saturday
Today I got to sleep in. I also had a really weird dream. Basically I dreamed that in my garage I found two maltese dogs who looked just like Benben. One was named Weedo and the other was named Warwar. Weedo was still a baby and he was really energetic, while Warwar was kind and quiet. I let them into the house and Benben got along with them really well. But soon, Benben began to become really jealous of them. I don't remember the rest of the dream but it was really sad and I think Weedo died or something. Okay so after waking up I read books for a while and then ate lunch, which was dumplings (again). After lunch my brother and I went to Best Buys to buy batteries for my calculator. On the car it was super hot and I felt like I was going to explode. After cooling off I did my school homework and studied for a while. For dinner we went to a new place where they had roasted duck. While we were waiting for our food I started fooling around and my mom got triggered at me. Then, I found a puddle of water under my cup. AND MY MOM THOUGHT IT WAS ME! So she got even more triggered at me. After going home I did my chinese homework. Today was normal.
1/18/2019 Friday
In Odea we finished our lab. We had to do stuff with lights and a teded video. We also took a quiz. In strings we had a sub so I got to read ZOmbies vs Unicorns the entire time. I also wrote a story about a hairbrush. In Spanish we worked on our graphic organizers. In PE we did more stuff on the mats. Wizwiz and I were in a line with a bunch of females because Mr Machone said that our line was too crowded. We did a bunch of dumb stuff like passing a basketball using our feet. At lunch I ate In-n-Out. In language arts we had silent reading time so I read even more Zombies vs Unicorns. In math we did stuff about tangent. In history we presented our Landmark Supreme Court cases.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
1/17/2019 Thursday
Today I was super sick. In science we did a lab. In strings we played music. In Spanish we wrote 5 sentences using the 5 senses. In PE I got to switch to Machone. We did stuff on the mats. At lunch I ate dumplings. In language arts we did our body paragraphs. In math we took a test. In history we worked on our slideshow more. After going home, I took a nap. Today sucked.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
1/16/2019 Wednsday
In Odea we did a gizmo. In strings we played stuff. In Spanish we worked on adelante. In pe we ran the pacer. At lunch I ate spring roles. In language arts we did a body paragraph for ChristmasCarol. In math we asked a bunch of questions. In history we got assigned groups to make a slideshow. After school I went to the spelling bee. I got out pretty early on. I have a math test tomorrow. Today was stressful.
1/15/2019 Tuesday
In Odea we did boring stuff. In strings we played stuff. In Spanish we corrected stuff and talked about our essay. In flex I went to an ASB meeting where Mrs Bauman kicked out a guy. In PE we played charades where the winner would get to skip the mile. I didnt win. At lunch I ate more rice. In language arts we had Mrs Foos and took our monthly grammar test. I got 40/42. In math we got a practice test. In history we did more Judicial branch stuff. After school I went swimming. Then I had to do more stuff. Today was tiring.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
1/14/2019 Monday
In science we did Gravity stations. In strings we played music. In Spanish we did activities. In PE we had free choice. At lunch I ate fried rice. In language arts we did a worksheet on topic sentences. In math we did a worksheet. In history we did a worksheet about the Judicial branch.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
1/11/2019 Friday
This morning in Odea we took a really easy quiz. In orchestra we had a sub so we fooled around. In SPanish I finished my grapes early so I got to fool around again. in PE we played dodgeball. At lunch I had noodles again. In language ars we had silent reading time. In math we had a multiple choice worksheet. In history we had a quiz on the executive branch. FOr dinner I ate at Chipotle.
Friday, January 11, 2019
1/10/2019 Thursday
In science we stood on the grass to see how far apart the planets were. In strings we played more Spring Forward. In Spanish we went over the activities and got our grapes. For flex I went to Mrs Michel. In PE we went to different fitness stations. At lunch I had leftover "meat pie" (I hate how it's called that). In language arts we started our Christmas Carol essay. In math we had a worksheet that was really easy. In history we did more things about the executive branch.
Wednesday, January 9, 2019
1/9/2019 Wednsday
This morning I had cereal. In Odea we took notes on a slideshow. In orchestra we played Spring Forward again. In spanish we had to go to the library because the exhaust was broken. Mrs Singh got super triggered at our table because we were talking, and she said I was the "only one" who was innocent because i was "productive." The funny thing is I didn't actually do that much. In PE I didn't have to go through that mess again because I was there early. We had to run three laps around the grass, and I got 7:15. At the beginning I was actually at the front, which felt super weird. When we went back to change again two people got into a fight. Im not allowed to use any names but this is what happened. Bob pushed Joe's backpack. joe got mad and started yelling. He said something like "YOU WANT TO GET PHYSICAL, AY?" Then Bob said "It was in my way" Then Joe said "YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT YOUR WAY?" Then people started whispering and cheering them on. Then they started fighting. Mr machone marched over and told them to talk to him. ALl I was thinking was: wow. locker room fights actually happen. At lunch I ate udon noodles. Then I talked to Naveen and ROhan and I exposed Shuatt. In language arts we did different verb tenses, which was super boring. In math we had a worksheet. In history we also had a worksheet that everyone finished in class. After going home I started on my homework. FOr dinner I ate "meat pie" (according to google translate). THen I did some chinese homework. TOday was fun.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
1/8/2019 Tuesday
First blog of 2019! So this morning I had chocolate cake for breakfast (really healthy i know). I wore my new shoes to school because my old ones are too small. In O'dea everyone was half asleep. We watched a video called The Cosmic Voyage or something. In strings we returned our old music and got a new piece called Spring Forward. Mr. Perazzo also decided to make me a violin 3, so....ya. In Spanish we had to answer four questions that were pretty easy. Now to the worst part of the day: PE. Since it is a new semester a lot of people got new schedules. As I walked into the locker room my greatest nightmare came true: it was crowded. Imagine the most crowded room ever; now multiply that by 3 and that's what it was like. It was so bad I had to take my clothes somewhere else to change because the toxic fumes from 30 boys changing at once was making me feel nauseous. So, I plan on telling Mr. Machone to do something about this situation tomorrow. During PE we played crab soccer. Our team actually won. In language arts we got new seats. My new table has Lucie, Myra, and Anthony. They seem pretty chill. We did a small debate activity in our table groups. In math we did geometric means. In history we got a worksheet. After school I went to swimming. I had a new coach named Ronald. He's a chill black dude, but he makes you do push ups a lot, so that sucks. After going home I did my homework then ate dinner. My dinner was mushrooms, bell peppers, and steak. After dinner I finished up my homework and did some Chinese homework. Then I went upstairs to type this blog. Today was a fun day (except for the PE part). I'm going to die if I have to change with that many people again. I think it gave me PTSD.
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Podcast with Heejee, ft. Morris
Tony: Hello everyone! I know i have no viewers but uwu. today i am joined by some very special guests. introduce yourselves. Heejee: [la...
Tony: Hello everyone! I know i have no viewers but uwu. today i am joined by some very special guests. introduce yourselves. Heejee: [la...
For breakfast I think I had a banana or something. My morning was uneventful. At lunch my family and I ate at a place called Mongolian Hot P...
5/20/2019 In odea we had dare. there were three teams' we were the pineapple express. We had a dumb spokesperson so we didn't win. ...