Oh boy I have REALLY procrastinated on writing this.
Ummmmmm in odea we did a lab with thumbs i think. In spanish we did acts. In block we did active vs passive voice. In math we started on a new thing. In history we did....ummmm....stuff.
Odea: idk pearson stuff i guess, spanish: more activities, lunch: no idea, language arts: flocab, math: stuff, History: industrial revolution, flex: none because we had a guest speaker about cyber safety
p.s. i went up and i messed up
odea: idk, spanish: we sang a song, lunch: spring rolls, language arts: active and passive voice, history: industrial revolution worksheet
Odea: Today we corrected a bunch of stuff and did stuff on pearson.
spanish: we had a substitute and we did etm.
lunch: i ate dumbplings
language arts: we corrected the boy in the striped pajamas
math: we did stuff
history: we each got an object and we needed to make an ad
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Sunday, February 24, 2019
2/23/2019 Saturday
In the morning I did some homework and read stuff online. For lunch I ateeeeeee corn and chicken. In the afternoon I did homework and drew stuff. For dinner I ate some weird food. TOday was uneventful.
In Odea we took a quiz and did a lab where we see the importance of thumbs. In spanish we did activities. In pe we had free choice. FOr lunch I ate spring ROLLS. In language arts we had a sub and we had friday free read. In math we did more stuff about surface area. In history we worked on our project.
I procrastinated on writing this so I really have no idea what i did today.
In Odea we did a lab i think. In spanish I think we did activities. For flex i took the mandelbrot. I gave everyone warheads. In pe we took a sight and hearing test in the library. At lunch I ate noodles. In language arts we took a quiz on verb tenses. I got 2 ec points because i didnt use the chart. In math we did more stuff. In history we corrected a bunch of stuff and started a project that was a comic strip. For dinner I ate sushi.
In Odea we did a lab i think. In spanish I think we did activities. For flex i took the mandelbrot. I gave everyone warheads. In pe we took a sight and hearing test in the library. At lunch I ate noodles. In language arts we took a quiz on verb tenses. I got 2 ec points because i didnt use the chart. In math we did more stuff. In history we corrected a bunch of stuff and started a project that was a comic strip. For dinner I ate sushi.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
In odea we corrected stuff. I dont remember wat we did. In spanish we did boring stuff. I walked the mile and got my worst time, 11:10. FOr lunch i ate dumplings. In la we did verb tenses. In math we did stuff. In history we watched a video about the war of 1812.
In odea we got new textbooks and finished the video. In spanish we did activities. FOr flex i went to perazzo study zone. For lunch i ate bread. In language arts we did stuff. In math we did stuff. In history we finished the video.
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
2/16/2019, 2/17/2019, 2/18/2019
TOday I got to sleep in. I went to the piano theory test. It was really boring. For lunch i ate at a restaurant. In the afternoon I went to a volunteer thing at cacc. There was an annoying girl who bragged that her dog bit someone. FOr dinner I ate a slice of pizza. A drawing tablet arrived at my house today. It was pretty good. I played with my dog.
Today I didn't do much. For lunch I ate leftover food. In the afternoon my parents went to Tracy. While they were at tracy i advertised my math video everywhere. For dinner I ate rice and steak.
I also didn't do much today. For breakfast I ate dry cereal. For lunch I ate noodlles. FOr dinner I also ate noodles. I tried to sleep early but i couldnt fall asleep until 1 in the morning.
TOday I got to sleep in. I went to the piano theory test. It was really boring. For lunch i ate at a restaurant. In the afternoon I went to a volunteer thing at cacc. There was an annoying girl who bragged that her dog bit someone. FOr dinner I ate a slice of pizza. A drawing tablet arrived at my house today. It was pretty good. I played with my dog.
Today I didn't do much. For lunch I ate leftover food. In the afternoon my parents went to Tracy. While they were at tracy i advertised my math video everywhere. For dinner I ate rice and steak.
I also didn't do much today. For breakfast I ate dry cereal. For lunch I ate noodlles. FOr dinner I also ate noodles. I tried to sleep early but i couldnt fall asleep until 1 in the morning.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
2/15/2019 Friday
Today was a minimum day. SO, we went straight to 4th period, which was pe. Mr machone said we were supposed to be in singh so we went to spanish instead. We stared there and did a coloring activity. I also drew a portrait of wizwiz. We listened to a guest speaker and watched yoyo tricks. THen we watched the talent show which....wasn't the best. There was a girl doing a weird dance that wasnt really a dance at all. There was a girl who recited john f kennedy's inaugural speech. AMber also did a dance. Jazz band was pretty cool. This guy played pirates of the carbean on the piano. It was pretty good. Then there was a duet called Chinese Dragons that....uh...im conflicted on. There was also a group called Aerodynamix that did WE will rock you and we are the champions. People did the wave with their phones. THen the drama thing was a bit of a mess. Nobody knew what was going on. So I wasnt very impressed with this year's talent show.
2/14/2019 Thursday
Happy Valentines Day! In science we took a quiz on fossils. In orchestra we played music. In Spanish we made hearts and wrote compliments. In pe we played dodgeball. At lunch I ate bread. In language arts we turned a bunch of stuff in and looked at each other's maps. In math we did more stuff. In history we got candy and watched a video about Lewis and Clark.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
2/13/2019 Wednsday
TOday in the morning it was raining so my dog didn wanna go out to pee. It was so sad. I also ended up being late to odea. In orchestra i died. In spanish we wasted the entire class time. In pe we ran the pacer in the gym. I bought lunch and ate popcorn chicken. n language arts we did an Access 3 about Anne Frank. In math we did cones. In history we did our maps. After school I went to the dentist.
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
2/12/2019 Tuesday
TOday for breakfast I ate cereal. In odea we corrected our notes and continued watching the video. In orchestra we played boring music. In Spanish we somehow wasted the entire classtime. For flex I went to the ASB meeting. In pe we continued grinding badminton. I bought lunch today and I ate indian food. In language arts we finished watching the holocaust video. In math we did volume stuff. We had a substitute. In history we went to the garden to make a map. For dinner I ate meatballs.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
2/9, 2/10, 2/11
I didn't do much over the long weekend so Im putting the three days in one post.
2/9 Saturday:
Today I got to sleep in. My family and I ate lunch at this new place called Taste of Chengdu. It was alright but I sat right under the window so I was burned to death the entire time. For dinner I ate oatmeal.
2/10 Sunday:
In the morning I went to CACC. It was so frickin boring. FOr lunch I ateeeee I forgot. For dinner I ate steak stuff.
2/11 Monday:
Yay long weekend. In the morning my mom and I went to an Adidas store to see shoes for my aunt. For dinner I ate salmon and cabage and tomato and egg stir fry. Then I went to piano.
2/9 Saturday:
Today I got to sleep in. My family and I ate lunch at this new place called Taste of Chengdu. It was alright but I sat right under the window so I was burned to death the entire time. For dinner I ate oatmeal.
2/10 Sunday:
In the morning I went to CACC. It was so frickin boring. FOr lunch I ateeeee I forgot. For dinner I ate steak stuff.
2/11 Monday:
Yay long weekend. In the morning my mom and I went to an Adidas store to see shoes for my aunt. For dinner I ate salmon and cabage and tomato and egg stir fry. Then I went to piano.
Monday, February 11, 2019
So a lot of people have been saying that I should make a Q&A (question and answer) so here it is!
Q: Why did you start your blog?
A: Cuz of wizwiz and shua
Q: why did you name your blog mushroom kingdom?
A: cuz my instagram name is tony_mushroom_ (follow meh plz)
Q: What is your favorite color?
A: If black counts, then black. If not, then probably yellow.
Q: Dogs or cats?
Q: Are you a conservative or a liberal?
A: None of them. I believe in a system where Im a dictator and people have to do exactly what i say.
Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Benben
Q: What is your favorite quote?
A: "Do something your future self will thank you for" -Becca Cahan
Q: WHen is your birthday?
A: Sep 5
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Pineapple
Q: What is your favorite game?
A: rock paper scissors (there's actually a lot of very cOmpLeX psychology involved)
Q: What type of music are you into?
A: CHristmas music
Q: How tall are you?
A: 162 cm (5ft 4in)
Q: What is your favorite sport?
A: Competitive eating
Mkay im out of ideas so ima get some from da internet
If it's highlighted white then i got the question from the internet.
Q: "What celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10?"
A: Jojo Siwa
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: Dance Moms but only for the fight scenes
p.s. Actuallyyyyyy I like Trendy Tuesday
Q: Who do you have a crush on?
A: Shua
Q: "If you had to change your name, what would your new name be, and why would you choose that name?"
A: Shua becuz shua sounds so cool
Q: "What is the craziest thing one of your teachers has done?"
A: So this guy was eating skittles in class so the teacher grabbed his mouth and shoved his head in a trashcan. (I swear this is a real story you can ask allen or shua or matthew)
p.s. the teacher got fired the very next year lmao
p.p.s. In your ugly face Ms. ********
Q: "What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?"
A: Proposing to shua
Q: "What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?"
A: WHen i was in first grade or something I was carrying chairs back in forth cuz i was bored. I ended up getting my finger crushed in the chair and it hurt for an entire week.
Q: "If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?"
A: How can I get shua to marry me? just kidding i'd ask if there is a god
Q: "What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?"
A: Shua's....ok im not gonna say it
Q: "What’s the most useless talent you have?"
A: I have a lot of useless skills. I know 100 digits of pi, i can recite the preamble of the constitution, I can name the 50 states and capital, I can do a kartwheel, and i can memorize a deck of cards.
Q: "Which three words describe you best?"
A: insecure ugly villain
Q: "Which common saying or phrase describes you?"
A: The quotes on Mr. Lomas's walls
Q: "Who was your role model when you were a child?"
A: hmmmmmm probs either my brother or my dad
p.s. On second thought, it's probably shua
Q: "What’s the closest thing to real magic?"
A: Shua
Ok i think ive lost my mind bye everybodyyy
Q: Why did you start your blog?
A: Cuz of wizwiz and shua
Q: why did you name your blog mushroom kingdom?
A: cuz my instagram name is tony_mushroom_ (follow meh plz)
Q: What is your favorite color?
A: If black counts, then black. If not, then probably yellow.
Q: Dogs or cats?
Q: Are you a conservative or a liberal?
A: None of them. I believe in a system where Im a dictator and people have to do exactly what i say.
Q: Who is your best friend?
A: Benben
Q: What is your favorite quote?
A: "Do something your future self will thank you for" -Becca Cahan
Q: WHen is your birthday?
A: Sep 5
Q: What is your favorite food?
A: Pineapple
Q: What is your favorite game?
A: rock paper scissors (there's actually a lot of very cOmpLeX psychology involved)
Q: What type of music are you into?
A: CHristmas music
Q: How tall are you?
A: 162 cm (5ft 4in)
Q: What is your favorite sport?
A: Competitive eating
Mkay im out of ideas so ima get some from da internet
If it's highlighted white then i got the question from the internet.
Q: "What celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10?"
A: Jojo Siwa
Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: Dance Moms but only for the fight scenes
p.s. Actuallyyyyyy I like Trendy Tuesday
Q: Who do you have a crush on?
A: Shua
Q: "If you had to change your name, what would your new name be, and why would you choose that name?"
A: Shua becuz shua sounds so cool
Q: "What is the craziest thing one of your teachers has done?"
A: So this guy was eating skittles in class so the teacher grabbed his mouth and shoved his head in a trashcan. (I swear this is a real story you can ask allen or shua or matthew)
p.s. the teacher got fired the very next year lmao
p.p.s. In your ugly face Ms. ********
Q: "What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?"
A: Proposing to shua
Q: "What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?"
A: WHen i was in first grade or something I was carrying chairs back in forth cuz i was bored. I ended up getting my finger crushed in the chair and it hurt for an entire week.
Q: "If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask?"
A: How can I get shua to marry me? just kidding i'd ask if there is a god
Q: "What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?"
A: Shua's....ok im not gonna say it
Q: "What’s the most useless talent you have?"
A: I have a lot of useless skills. I know 100 digits of pi, i can recite the preamble of the constitution, I can name the 50 states and capital, I can do a kartwheel, and i can memorize a deck of cards.
Q: "Which three words describe you best?"
A: insecure ugly villain
Q: "Which common saying or phrase describes you?"
A: The quotes on Mr. Lomas's walls
Q: "Who was your role model when you were a child?"
A: hmmmmmm probs either my brother or my dad
p.s. On second thought, it's probably shua
Q: "What’s the closest thing to real magic?"
A: Shua
Ok i think ive lost my mind bye everybodyyy
Saturday, February 9, 2019
2/8/2019 Friday
Today in Odea we took a quiz. I think I got a bunch wrong because I suck at fossils and stuff. THen we continued watching the video. It was pretty cool. In orchestra it was hecka boring because I ate all the pieces we're playing right now. In Spanish we did more activities with colors and flags. In pe we continued playing badminton. My team reached last court. Yay! I bought lunch and I ate popcorn chicken. In language arts it was silent reading time. In math we took our test. It was pretty stressful. In history we did a worksheet about Lewis and Clark and their expeditions. It was pretty dumb. FOr dinner I ate at Snowflake.
2/7/2019 Thursday
Today in science we worked on a lab where we put things in order. In Spanish we did activites with flags and colors. In pe we played badminton. At lunch I ate bread. In language arts we had a sub who wanted to do history first, so we did a map. In math we did one last worksheet. In history we did a map. In history, we did langage arts, so we watched a video about journals during the holocaust.
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
2/6/2019 Wednsday
Today I woke up before my alarm. FOr breakfast I ate a bunch of fruit and some cereal. At Odea we were supposed to do a wifi test but we had no wifi so we couldnt do it. WE did not watch hptv. THen we watched a video called Makings of a Planet. THen I worked on a webquest. In orchestra we played baltic dance, ancient flower, and then spring forward. In spanish we worked on our flags. Mine has a smiley face on it. In pe we ran 3/4 of a mile. I got 7:08. AT lunch I ate rice. Then I started shipping *********because ************So, *** got triggered and beat me up. Then I went to watch Shuatt play basketball. In language arts we did the last few holocaust presentations. In math we got another worksheet and we got 15 minutes to work on it. In history we did a worksheet on Thomas Jefferson. TOday was interesting.
2/5/2019 Tuesday
Today in Odea we had a pop quiz on fossils. In Spanish we drew rooms. FOr flex I went to Odea for a study zone but there was no wifi so I got nothing done. In pe we played crab soccer. At lunch I ate noodles. In language arts we presented our holocaust projects. In math we did a practice quiz. In history we took notes on John Adams.
Monday, February 4, 2019
2/4/2019 Monday
Ugh it's monday. For breakfast I ate cereal. In Odea we went through a boring slideshow and did some notes. It was raining a lot so I had to run to strings. In orchestra the 7th graders were auditioning for next year so we got time to work. I did a bunch of science notes. In Spanish we had a pop quiz. In pe we played invasion football. For lunch I ate rice. In language arts we took a grammar test. I got 42/42 (plz let me flex just this once). In math we did another worksheet. In history we took notes on the Frnech Revolution and got a worksheet about Washington.
2/3/2019 Sunday
In the morning I went to cacc. At lunch I ate chicken and noodles. In the afternoon I watched the superbowl. The halftime show sucked. FOr dinner I ate potatoes and other chinese food. TOday was alright,
Sunday, February 3, 2019
2/2/2019 Saturday
Today I got to sleep in. In the morning I read a book and played piano. For lunch we went to Sweet Tomatoes. Then we had to go to the mall because my dad wanted a hoodie. After going home I did my school homework and played some games. At dinner I ate oatmeal. Today was relaxing and boring.
Friday, February 1, 2019
2/1/2019 Friday
Today in Odea we dropped eggs. Everybody's survived. In strings we played music. In spanish we played gimkit. In pe we played ultimate frisbee. At lunch I ate dumplings. In language arts we had silent reading time. In math we did another worksheet. In history we finished the stations.
1/31/2019 Thursday
In science we worked on our project. In strings we played stuff. In spanish we had a substitute. For flex I went to Ms Michel for a study zone, but Mrs Foos was there instead. She showed us a video of this guy trying to pass a bill. In pe we played ultimate frisbee. At lunch I ate spring rolls. In language arts we did holocaust stuff. In math we did a worksheet. In history we did stations about washington or something.
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Podcast with Heejee, ft. Morris
Tony: Hello everyone! I know i have no viewers but uwu. today i am joined by some very special guests. introduce yourselves. Heejee: [la...
Tony: Hello everyone! I know i have no viewers but uwu. today i am joined by some very special guests. introduce yourselves. Heejee: [la...
For breakfast I think I had a banana or something. My morning was uneventful. At lunch my family and I ate at a place called Mongolian Hot P...
5/20/2019 In odea we had dare. there were three teams' we were the pineapple express. We had a dumb spokesperson so we didn't win. ...